6 Struggles You Don’t Expect While Studying Abroad

I definitely could have identified on each of the points during my study abroad trip to Buenos Aires.

It is insane to look back and try to relive the memories of Buenos Aires. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like it was real, like I dreamed the whole thing.

For me, another thing I personally struggled with was missing my significant other. In short, I lack a lot a love in my home life- Phillip is truly s blessing to me in this way (I’ve honestly never known a love like this and have been waiting my whole life to experience this). Due to this, too elaborate on why #3 (Off days.) relates so much to me.


On my off days, I felt like a ghost wandering the city because I didn’t feel completely present. Some days it really got to me that Phillip was not around (as much as I wanted him to be there, he wasn’t), on these days my moral really struggled to make connections and not just want to fade into the background.

What this article did not add was the silver lining to these struggles students studying abroad face. The silver lining is that even though sometimes you feel disoriented and lonely, everyone in your study abroad group is in the same boat as you: together you become each others new family & support system. Thankfully I had my CEA family. They always knew how to lead me out of the fog and help me feel myself again, and I love themĀ for that.

With all my love,

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